EDU Africa | Virtual Exchange | Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action with Billy Mugambi
The Center for Global Engagement and the Office of Mentoring & Coaching are pleased to offer monthly virtual exchange experiences to Central Piedmont students through EDU Africa from October 2024 - May 2025. Each month, the exchange will focus on exploring one Sustainable Development Goal within the context of a country in Africa. Central Piedmont students will hear a presentation from a community leader, then participate in breakout room discussions with students from colleges in Africa. (Faculty and staff may also participate).
All events are free and live. Register for as many virtual sessions as you would like, and the Zoom link(s) will be emailed to you.
Faculty may also register to use the event(s) for classes.
Next session - Kenya | Thursday, Mar 20, 2025 @ 12:30 - 2:00pm | SIGN UP HERE
Billy Mugambi, also known as Mr Sketch, is a freelance illustrator, children’s content creator, andfine artist. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Design from the University of Nairobi, and has workedas an art teacher in various schools in Nairobi. Billy uses various forms of visual and performingarts to express himself and his beliefs- he draws, paints, sculpts, crafts, writes, sings, and playsthe guitar. He also cherishes the belief that art is the most powerful and enduring tool for socialrevolution used by mankind; a universal language of activism that does not require a translator.He therefore strives to use it responsibly in his own unique ways.